Deserve What You Want
This year, the world lost Charlie Munger, a great business leader and terrific role model for anyone who’s interested in building a lasting business and legacy. Charlie Munger was known for many great quotes, one of which is one of my all-time favorites:
“The safest way to get what you want…is to deserve what you want.”
B2B is Not B2C...But At the Same Time...It Sort of Is
B2B (Business-to-business) sales and marketing have some key differences from B2C (Business-to-Consumer) sales and marketing. Just to name a few…
Feedback loops are longer (often times much, much longer)
Buying decisions are often made by a committee, or at least consult a committee of stakeholders
Decisions are often restricted by a budget ceiling that’s often veiled or not yet decided
That’ being said, there is still a C behind the B. Let’s unpack that a bit.
Yet More Email Privacy Changes for Marketers and Brands
Another year, another iOS release…which means another round of privacy improvements for 57% of the US population, which then seems to create a domino-effect for the policies seen on Android users over time. In time, it’s safe to say this approach will likely be a shared experience for all Mobile users. What’s the change? It’s call Link Tracking Protection, otherwise known as LTP.

Content Triumphs over Ads, YouTube Just Keeps Growing
It’s that time again, the moment where we share our favorite Content Marketing reads. Two up this month: It’s time to Stop Making Ads and Start Making Content + The Importance of Leveraging YouTube. Both are terrific reads. Feel free to read the articles in their entirety or just the important nuggets coupled with our opinion.

The Pitfalls of Setting Unrealistic Marketing Goals
Why do so many organizations not set Marketing goals? And if they do set goals…why do they often times fall into the trap of setting completely unrealistic goals that may not be achievable? Last question…what can organizations do to avoid this all-too-common path?

Email (Still) Rules, Assisting with Pivots, Oh…and Twitter…
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, Email is a sleeper hit. Almost everyone forgets about it or is hesitant to engage with the platform mostly because they are hesitant to ‘bother’ their audience. Take it from the experts who wrote the article above: email works. TD;DR edition as usual.

Social Media Fragmentation, Content Marketing Best Practices, and More on AI Marketing
Here are the best Content Reads of the Month, TL:DR Edition. Without wasting a moment of your time, we’re going to summarize what we found to be this month’s best content marketing reads…as quickly as possible (thus, the TL:DR Edition).

This Month’s Best Content Marketing Reads
As many know, I’m a big fan of reading everything and anything that helps us improve our strategies and processes for our clients. So, without dragging it out, I’ll throw out some of the best of the best articles in the last month that we found interesting, as well give you our take on the piece. Maybe you will find these articles and opinions equally as interesting!