Write Your Own News, Post Your Own Jobs, Own Your Platform

I’m going to share three big-picture thoughts this month and break them down into smaller segments in the next few months a multi-part newsletter. These are based entirely on trends we’re seeing in marketing today. We’re not talking about pictures, videos, writing, Social Media, or anything else that comes to most peoples’ minds when it comes to ‘marketing’. We’re going to dive into that crazy little thing called ‘strategy’, AKA ‘where the ball is being kicked’.

Without a doubt, the most important, and most often overlooked component to a successful marketing strategy is actually setting goals. The title of this article outlines 3 of the most important trends (I don’t really like that words because it almost implies that these priorities are a passing fad) we’ve been a part of when setting goals:

  1. Writing your own news

  2. Posting your own jobs

  3. Owning your platform

I promise, I’m going to break that down in the next articles, so stick with me. But before we do that, we must first unpack ‘why’ we’d want to do any of these in the first place.

Basically, the world is a noisy place. The way to cut through the noise is to create something of value to your audience, and you will magically have their attention. What you do with that attention is entirely up to you after you have it, so I hope your strategy is robust and supports your position in the marketplace. If it is, your audience will reward you with trust, and will cascade into even more of their attention next time you ask for it. If it isn’t, they will do the opposite.

So how do we gain our audience’s attention and build trust? Well, let’s start with the first topic of writing your own news. Obviously, that can be misconstrued into ‘write your own version of truth’, that’s not what I’m suggesting. What I’m saying is: be a thought leader, share your insights, and exceed your audience’s expectations to gain their trust via written content.

Second topic: post your own jobs. Everybody and their brother seems to be hiring right now, and that means every job board out there is flooded with opportunities. That’s just a nice way of saying ‘it’s very noisy, and you need to hire someone, so you need to cut through the noise’. If you’ve created a robust-enough strategy, you should be able to post your own job, leverage Paid Ads to attract attention, field your own applications, and make your own hires. You don’t need Indeed.

Lastly, own your platform. Platforms belong to your brand. They don’t belong to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, or TikTok. Those are platforms. By building your own platform, you’ve created something the algorithms on those platforms can never take away from you. Those platforms can help your platform, but they can’t take it away. This one might be my favorite one of all three.

So really, this is just a teaser for more to come. Stay tuned, and let’s nerd-out on these topics.

Mike Miriello

Mike serves as the President & CMO of TDC Marketing. Prior to this role, he served as the Creative Director and has been a corporate and interior/architectural photographer for the last decade. When he’s not working with clients, he can be found enjoying time with his wife and two children and riding his mountain bike.


Writing Your Own News Shouldn’t Be A Challenge


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