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SEO is Dead...and Other Good Content Marketing Reads
Integrated Marketing, Content Marketing Mike Miriello Integrated Marketing, Content Marketing Mike Miriello

SEO is Dead...and Other Good Content Marketing Reads

It's satisfying to read this perspective, especially written by an industry veteran. I cannot tell you how many times I've heard clients discuss SEO as something that can be outsmarted, gamed, or bought. It doesn't work, it goes against the point of 'Search', and breeds confusion. And because of this confusion, it's created a cottage industry of nonsense. There's a difference between making your website is optimized for 'Search' and buying/manufacturing backlinks to make your brand seem like an authority on a specific topic.

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Sell the Experience, Not the Property
Integrated Marketing, Content Marketing Mike Miriello Integrated Marketing, Content Marketing Mike Miriello

Sell the Experience, Not the Property

The word I find myself using every single day, as it relates to content creation and content integration, is Strategy. It’s the foundation, the core, the root of any successful campaign - everything comes after strategy. So what’s happening with this campaign and what’s the strategy behind it? I like to make lists so we can see the problem-set and draw conclusions from it, so let’s examine the problem that needs to be solved. Here’s what we have…

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